Dark and Light for Windows

Dark and Light for Windows

5.0 (1)


Dark and Light is a fantasy action RPG with survival elements, dynamic battles, crafting and virtual cities filled with NPCs, merchants, taverns and interactive zones.

The gameplay is equally intense and, like the local flora and fauna, has hundreds of interesting mechanics, ideas and concepts. Developers from Snail Games USA allow you to prepare a new hero in a special character configurator, select skills and race, and then focus on finding a suitable place in an ever-growing universe.

Features Dark and Light

  • A limitless world filled with legendary equipment, cities, racial wars (elves, gnomes, people – a classic story about not accepting other people’s ideas) and complete freedom of action – no one limits the next step and does not force you to move exclusively according to the plot;
  • The elements of survival in Dark and Light are thought out to the smallest detail: you have to adapt to the nature of the world around you, fight opponents and test your body for resistance to cold, heat, poison and darkness;
  • Role-based development in Dark and Light affects the choice of suitable equipment, and the practice of combat magic, and the study of spells and new technologies (the same virtual buildings cannot be built without the appropriate experience and skill);
  • Dark and Light is based on the Unreal Engine 4, and therefore the world looks unique – fogs, shining skies and swirling smoke – there are hardly anyone who does not believe in the fantastic essence of the universe!

World, atmosphere and gameplay

The events in Dark and Light take place on an unknown planet filled with enemies, natural phenomena, marauders and robbers, cunning and deceivers. Start exploring the universe in a city with heroes of a similar race. But where to move further will have to be decided in the course of the passage. There are plenty of options: battles with unknown opponents, exploring forests and mountains, trading in cities.

In addition to choosing a role in Dark and Light, one cannot do without social interaction – from the start there will be a chance to communicate with characters, rent rooms and houses in cities, get drunk in taverns or learn various arts from teachers. An important feature will be flying on huge pets (mainly dragons grown from eggs and tamed from childhood), and the construction of a personal mansion from scrap materials. But, as is the case with the rest of the gameplay elements, it is too early to count on quick access to all the “interesting” – first you have to “get promoted” and gain an appropriate reputation.

Updates, Content and Reputation

Although the developers from Snail Games USA try to remind almost continuously of the 12-year development of Dark and Light (the basic mechanics appeared in early 2005), frequent experiments and a progressive look at the gaming industry, the project is still in early testing and is not going to turn into a whole product with delineated boundaries. Quite the opposite – the studio releases updates less and less every time, almost does not care about balance and optimization, and abandoned the translation of the interface, quests and additional tests in half (the Russian language is just for show – many pieces of text have not been translated).

What fate awaits Dark and Light next is a question that has confused fans’ plans for many years. Some are waiting for thematic expansions (this is how the Shard of Faith kit appeared, making the community believe in the strength of Snail Games USA again), and many stopped believing the promises and lost hope.

Additional Information

  • License Paid
  • OS Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • Category Action
  • Developer playdnl.com
  • Content Rating 12+

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