Ucapan Turut Berduka Cita for Android

Ucapan Turut Berduka Cita for Android

Pejuang Media App
5.0 (1)


Hello friends of Pejuang Media App – Everyone must have said words of condolence to people or their close relatives. This is mostly done out of empathy for the families left behind, of course they feel lost and very sad. Having words of condolence or condolences from other people will calm things down a bit.

In a sad situation due to being left behind by a close relative, of course a person or family needs other people to provide peace, both in actions and words. Indeed, not everyone can strengthen you in conditions like that. But at least you will feel relieved when there are kind words spoken, it will feel like the burden is slightly reduced.

Condolences or condolences are usually shown to family or relatives who have been struck by a disaster, whether a disaster or death. By giving condolences, is one form of our concern for those left behind can be given patience and fortitude for the disaster that befell them.

These words can also include a prayer so that those who leave can rest in peace in nature. This can also be a form of entertainment to reduce the sadness of the family left behind. Giving condolences to family, relatives and those closest to you who have experienced a disaster is one form of our concern for them.

Apart from that, condolences are a form of comfort to reduce the sadness felt by families affected by disaster, as well as praying for them to be given fortitude and patience. In Islam, we are encouraged to offer prayers for people who have died and for the families left behind.

So, for those of you who want to convey condolences or condolences in order to strengthen others, in this application there are several words of condolence that you can use. Through this application, you can also use it as a writing reference because you can directly copy and paste from this application for FREE.

Condolence Condolences Application Features:

– The application display focuses on its function, so it is practical and easy to use.
– Attractive design, swipe the screen to move.
– The application can be used without an Internet connection / Offline.
– Light application.
– Free Download.

Hopefully this Condolence Condolences application is useful for everyone. Amen. Please provide suggestions and criticism for the development of this application. Thank You.

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