Railway Empire for Windows

Railway Empire for Windows

5.0 (1)


Railway Empire – USA 1830: “New World” is on the rise. Industry is booming and the race is to establish the most dominant and powerful railroad empire in all of North America. It’s time to outsmart your competitors and outsmart them to take your company into the 20th century!

Railway Empire Review

In Railway Empire, you will create a sophisticated and extensive rail network, buy over 40 different trains modeled with extraordinary detail, and buy or build train stations, maintenance buildings, factories and tourist attractions to keep your travel network ahead of the competition. You also need to hire and manage your own staff if you want to provide efficient train service and develop over 300 technologies, ranging from mechanical improvements and trains themselves to workplace infrastructure and added amenities as you progress through five eras of technological innovation…….

However, you can’t just build and explore your way to the top – competition never sleeps, and you’ll have to survive against three rival tycoons to keep your business on track. To get to the top in Railway Empire, you may have to resort to more ruthless tactics as you attack and sabotage your opponents with raids and industrial espionage.

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