المرشد للدواجن for Android

المرشد للدواجن for Android

التوحيد سوفت
5.0 (1)


The guide application for poultry helps you to follow the daily prices, through which you can monitor well and accurately the movement of chicks, fodder and meat (white and sasso) in the Egyptian market as it is a specialized application in the daily advertisement of the prices of chickens and feed companies and white poultry brokers, sasu and stations The big eggs and duck companies of all kinds, molar, muskovy and French, with the service of providing customer service numbers for all advertised companies, and there is also a market for sale and purchase among customers without interference from the application administration, in addition to indicators of market movement based on the application members’ registration of data on the purchase process And sale, and there is also a section for exchanging information and field experiences between members by asking a question in the field of poultry industry and answers to it, and all the data and information announced on the application based on the full responsibility of its advertisers

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