Cornershop for Android

Cornershop for Android
5.0 (1)


Cornershop is an easy way to order fresh groceries and more online for same-day delivery. Just click to order and your customer will carefully select, pack and deliver your items at a time that suits your schedule.

Uber’s Cornershop, which became part of the Uber family in 2019, has been helping people shop for more than five years. You can use the app to order groceries, meats, packaged goods, toiletries, electronics, drinks, and more. Download now to get help and have groceries delivered to your door.

Cornershop Features

  1. Choose your favorite local store, including grocery, pharmacies, and specialty stores.
  2. Select the products you need. You can also add special instructions, such as how ripe an avocado should be.
  3. Choose a convenient delivery window.

That’s all.

Your buyer will complete your order carefully and contact you before leaving the store to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. It’s that easy at Cornershop.

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