Floods Near Me NSW for Android

Floods Near Me NSW for Android

NSW Manly Hydraulics Lab
5.0 (1)


This flood warning app presents the latest flood related information in NSW and provides the user with tailored warnings.
Use the map to view:
+ User’s Current Location or Dropped Pin
+ Road Closed and Water Over Road locations
+ Observed river gauge heights (with interactive graphs)
+ Compare, rename or make Favourite gauges
+ Flooded River Sections (based on Minor, Moderate and Major flood levels)
+ Flood Watch and Flood Warning information
+ Evacuation Warning, Evacuation Order and Evacuation All-Clear areas
+ User generated content (via login)
+ Provide valuable flood photographs to NSW agencies via photo uploads

Disclaimer: This is a beta version of the app – please report any bugs to data-request@mhl.nsw.gov.au.

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