iOS용 San Francisco 49ers

San Francisco 49ers (iOS용)

San Francisco 49ers
5.0 (1)


Stay connected with the official mobile app of the San Francisco 49ers featuring exclusive content, breaking news, interactive fan experiences, as well as ticket management and event information for all Levi’s® Stadium events. Receive the latest breaking news and updates, including live coverage, featured articles, photo galleries, and more. Be sure to opt-in to mobile push notifications, so you don’t miss the latest team updates, as well as enable location services to access exclusive offers and in-stadium features. Access, manage and scan your tickets and parking passes using the 49ers app. Guests can easily transfer tickets to friends and family with a few taps.

Please note: This app features Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software which contributes to market research, like Nielsen’s TV Ratings. Please see for more information.

저희 웹사이트에서 iOS용 San Francisco 49ers를 무료로 다운로드할 수 있습니다. - 수천 개의 인기 게임, 앱 및 새로운 항목. iOS용 San Francisco 49ers를 휴대폰이나 태블릿용 최신 버전으로 무료로 다운로드하고 즐겁게 사용하세요.

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