iOS용 nextbike

nextbike (iOS용)

5.0 (1)


Forgot your bike, miss the bus, flat tire? Find a nextbike near you with the nextbike app and start cycling right away – available at any hour and with just a few easy steps.

To hire a bike, simply select it, scan the QR code or enter the bike number – then off you go! You can return the bike at one of our stations or anywhere in the Flexzone. Our app provides you with everything you need at a glance. You can easily find the right return location with the map function or manage your customer account. You can also use the app to redeem vouchers, discover news, give feedback, or contact our customer service.

With your account, you can use nextbikes in over 300 locations throughout Europe including KVB-Rad in Cologne, WienMobil Rad in Vienna, Stadtrad Innsbruck, Styr & Ställ in Götheburg, nextbike Berlin, and many more. You can see whether your city is included using the map function in the app or find all the cities with a nextbike system on our website at

저희 웹사이트에서 iOS용 nextbike를 무료로 다운로드할 수 있습니다. - 수천 개의 인기 게임, 앱 및 새로운 항목. iOS용 nextbike를 휴대폰이나 태블릿용 최신 버전으로 무료로 다운로드하고 즐겁게 사용하세요.

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