Donkey Sounds! untuk iOS

Donkey Sounds! untuk iOS

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You’ll be amazed at the funny sounds made by real donkeys!

This less prestigious relative of the horse may look similar in body type, but as soon as gets it opens its mouth, the distinction couldn’t be more clear. While horses neigh and whinny, donkeys and mules (which are donkey and horse hybrids) create a more obnoxious and harsh sound called a bray. Donkeys braying make a “hee-haw or “eeyore” sound that is quite unique! Donkeys use vocalizations to interact with the rest of the herd, varying the pitch of their voices to communicate different things. While braying may be a donkey’s way of asking for food or calling out to their burro friends, most commonly it is the animal’s sign of distress. Can you tell the difference between a friendly and a distressed bray?

Kids and adults alike will enjoy learning about donkey vocalizations with the high quality sounds in this app!

Anda dapat mengunduh Donkey Sounds! untuk iOS secara gratis di situs web kami. - ribuan game dan aplikasi populer. Unduh Donkey Sounds! gratis untuk iOS versi terbaru untuk ponsel atau tablet Anda dan gunakan dengan senang hati.

Informasi Tambahan

  • Lisensi Gratis
  • Perlu iOS 7.0 dan yang lebih tinggi
  • Kategori Hiburan
  • Pengembang Leafgreen
  • Rating Konten 4+

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