Borderlands 2 – continuation of the struggle on the planet Pandora

April 22, 2022
Borderlands 2 – continuation of the struggle on the planet Pandora

Borderlands 2 – game genre: FPS, RPG, open world.

Borderlands 2 Story

Well, since the events of the first part, the idea of ​​a feverish hunt for alien treasures has not left the guests of Pandora, and moreover, it has added a new temptation to them – a very valuable mineral Eridium, the deposits of which became available to people after the opening of the treasured Vault.

So the main antagonist of the story enters the arena – someone named Handsome Jack – by nature a cunning and very skilled entrepreneur. He occupies the chair of the head of the Hyperion Corporation and begins a major campaign to plant civilization on the planet, simultaneously destroying the local half-gangster population of the former hunter colonists that has gone wild.

Borderlands 2
Borderlands 2
Borderlands 2 for Windows

In fact, this is a kind of allegory of the conflict of small but free communities with large systematized state. or business structures. And everyone wants to live, and is not averse to living well! Besides, when there are so many prospects around, it’s just stupid to miss the chance. After all, Pandora is still the same wild primitive planet, free from the shackles of civilization and endowed with untold riches, both already quite tangible (the mineral Eridium) and legendary (no one canceled the secrets and treasures of aliens).


Describing the atmosphere of the world of Borderlands 2, it is simply impossible to exclude music from the story. In the intro of the beginning of the new game, we are greeted by a chic melodic composition Short Change Hero (The Heavy), which is just perfect for accompanying the video sequence with the credits. Music in general is a separate participant in the game. The soundtrack of the first part, of course, is also very good and chosen in the spirit of desert life, but it is not as diverse as in the sequel.

Borderlands 2 – continuation of the struggle on the planet Pandora

However, what can we say about music alone, when the planet Pandora itself appears before us in all its glory: it turns out that it is not only red canyons in the spirit of the American desert, but also snowy polar caps, green colorful plains, ice caves and gray mountain ranges, completely dotted with active volcanoes and geysers. The fauna has also become much more diverse and bizarre. And most importantly: the animals behave quite naturally, that is, they are not typical “space” monsters that attack everyone and everyone headlong and for no reason. Many individuals will only allow themselves to engage in combat in the event of a clear threat from the player (or other characters), while they will actively and clearly warn everyone about the boundaries of their territory.

Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 for Windows

People have remained unchanged: the same mess of bandits, hermits, more or less peaceful citizens (sometimes united in groups with dubious ideology) and the global threat looming over everyone, the role of which is assigned here to the already mentioned Hyperion Corporation, which decided to subdue the entire planet, turning its inhabitants into obedient taxpayer robots. And those who do not agree – eliminate.

Speaking of robots. This time we will have to fight a whole army of soulless machines controlled by Hyperion. Sleek business doesn’t want to get their hands dirty. Oh well. And yes, humor and life in the characters. Compared to the first part, there is more of everything here. Bigger and juicier.

Game mechanics

The gameplay remains the same: it’s still the same shooter from the player’s point of view with combat RPG elements and the possibility of online co-op for up to 4 people. Ride on cars remained, becoming even more fun. Sometimes races resemble armed survival races, or a car arena – as you wish.

Borderlands 2 – continuation of the struggle on the planet Pandora

Everyone’s favorite loot (loot) from chests, boxes, cabinets and safes, as well as drops (trophies) from defeated opponents remained. What can not but rejoice.

The previous system of software generation of weapons and equipment has been improved almost to perfection: the guns have become more beautiful, sophisticated and diverse. Sometimes it’s just a pity to throw them away, they are so cool.

On each territory, a stable respawn of enemies and useful things. Moreover, their level is not tied to the player, that is, having gained experience and upgraded skills, you can return to the initial locations and how to hang on everyone who used to make us tense up.

In general, Borderlands 2 is a free world, divided into locations, with the possibility of both independent movement (on foot or by car), and through instant teleportation through stations specially made for this.


An excellent sequel, an example to all game developers. The guys at Gearbox Software just took what was there, corrected the shortcomings and developed the successes, adding a lot of new things.

Borderlands 2 may well occupy you for dozens of hours of free time, which will certainly pass with pleasure!