MySP pour iOS

MySP pour iOS

My School Safety Plan, LLC
5,0 (1)


The My SP mobile application is used in conjunction with the My Safety Plan service. The My SP app provides you with access to your individualized safety plans, general information, maps, and a Chat feature with check-in capabilities at your fingertips. All of this information is found right on your mobile device. Every feature is customizable with your own information. This eliminates the need to carry cumbersome paper documents during a crisis situation and allows you to concentrate on the most important task at hand – SAFETY.

Vous pouvez télécharger MySP gratuit pour iOS sur notre site web. - des milliers de jeux et applis populaires. Télécharger MySP gratuit pour iOS la dernière version pour votre téléphone ou tablette et utilisez-la avec plaisir.

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