Jan-Aadhaar pour iOS

Jan-Aadhaar pour iOS

RajCOMP Info Services Ltd.
4,0 (2)


The objective of Rajasthan Jan-Aadhaar Yojana is “One Number. One Card, One Identity” for the Residents of the State.
Jan-Aadhaar Yojana unifies the entire service delivery ecosystem of the state with a single-card, single-number, single-identity philosophy by reducing multiple channels of government.

Government of Rajasthan, introduced a Jan-Aadhaar Yojana Mobile App for the Ease of Access to Government schemes. Using Jan-Aadhaar App citizens can avail various services like downloading Jan-Aadhaar eCard, status of Jan-Aadhaar enrolment and card, status of DBT services availed

Vous pouvez télécharger Jan-Aadhaar gratuit pour iOS sur notre site web. Anderbot.com - des milliers de jeux et applis populaires. Télécharger Jan-Aadhaar gratuit pour iOS la dernière version pour votre téléphone ou tablette et utilisez-la avec plaisir.

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