Half-Life 2 for Windows

Half-Life 2 for Windows

5.0 (1)


Half-Life 2 – after Gordon Freeman’s destruction of Nihilanth in his home Zet dimension, he must be dead. But thanks to the efforts of G-Men, the scientist survived. However, in return for salvation, he becomes G-Men’s agent. But for now, the man in the blue suit does not need Gordon’s services, and he sends the main character into stasis for an indefinite period.

Half-Life 2 Review

The assassination of Nihilanth wreaked havoc on the general offensive of the Vortigaunts and other aliens from Zeta, allowing humans to quickly take control of the situation and finish off the remnants of the invasion force. Following this incident, Black Mesa was destroyed and all references to this situation were erased.

However, those surviving soldiers and other people, one way or another connected with Mesa, did not rejoice for long. After the elimination of Nihilanth, the military forces of the Alliance fell on the entire Earth – the unification of various aliens under a single banner. When the first military forces landed on the blue planet, the military of all countries fought an enemy from another galaxy.

But despite the talents of the commanders in Half-Life 2 and the bravery of ordinary soldiers, the Alliance won due to technological superiority. Humanity lasted seven hours against the military of the Alliance.

Initially, the aliens planned to exterminate humanity. However, thanks to the efforts of the former director of Black Mesa, Dr. Wallace Brin, a compromise was found with the leaders of the Alliance. It was this man who called upon the armies of all countries of the world to lay down their arms in front of guests from distant space.

And it was he who became the representative of the Alliance’s will on Earth in Half-Life 2. During the war, many cities were destroyed. One of the few remaining cities after the seven-hour slaughter, became the capital of the entire planet, and is called City-17. The system of interaction with the defeated humanity was also adjusted. There was vigorous propaganda encouraging some people to join the Civil Defense, a police force that enforces order. Along with the formation of policemen, the alien invaders set up a field that suppressed any reproduction of people.

However, despite the active propaganda and the good work of the police and military units, there are daredevils who are ready to win the independence of their homeland. The rebels are the headache for the Alliance forces stationed on Earth.

This is how humanity has been living for two decades in the game Half-Life 2. And although the sabotage of the rebels and contribute to the fight against the forces of the Alliance, but this is not enough. And the rebels themselves do not have the proper equipment or organization, which is often used by the power of the Alliance. Many hide their real views on new owners, and often work underground.

In this time period, G-Man brings Gordon Freeman out of stasis. Now Gordon’s task is to unite all rebel groups under a single command and further expel the alien invaders from Earth. Gordon’s long journey begins from one of the City-17 stations, where the main character will see a brave new world, where people are slaves in their own house.

Additional Information

  • License Paid
  • OS Windows 7, Vista, XP
  • Category Action
  • Developer half-life.com
  • Content Rating 3+

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