AI Shoujo for Windows

AI Shoujo for Windows

3.7 (3)


AI Shoujo is a crafting and survival simulator in which you’ll enjoy a carefree life in abundance on a lush desert island. But this is not a solitary journey of philosophical reflection, no! A lovely group of realistic ladies with artificial intelligence will not let your nights get lonely, and your days will be filled with comfort and joy.

AI Shoujo won’t just blow your brain, it’ll just blow you… away! All characters in the game are over 18 years old. Create the perfect partner with our character creation toolkit, which has an extensive array of tools and resources. Your dream girl is just a few clicks away!

And guess what? We’ve updated our 3D customization tools to make them more realistic, detailed and enjoyable! With many brand new features, you’ll soon have a waifu so real it could be a body pillow! Hey, we said this before and we will say it again: bring your (3D!) Waifu to life! Dazzle your perfect friend, add some perks and experience the fun of the best 3D simulation game! We guarantee it will make you pump your fist with excitement!

But that’s enough about customizing NPC bodies. We know what you really need: their minds! And the AI ​​Shoujo ladies are not pip-boop robots (if you don’t like that, we won’t judge). They will think and make decisions for themselves, and you will often see them running around the island, working, playing, relaxing… whatever they like! Watch your very special AI Shoujo live, laugh, love and learn, and before you know it, you’ll have a real partner to share life with on this uncharted desert island.

In AI Shoujo, you will immerse yourself in a lovingly crafted 3D map filled with beauty and color. Spend a few days with a few girls on this magnificent island and you will have memories that will go off the screen and touch your heart. We hope you enjoy AI Shoujo!

You can download AI Shoujo for Windows on our website. - thousands of popular games, apps and the new items. Download AI Shoujo for Windows the latest version for your PC, phone or tablet and use it with pleasure.

Additional Information

  • License Paid
  • Requires Windows 8, 10
  • Category Simulation
  • Developer ILLUSION
  • Content Rating 18+

Game Rating

3 Ratings
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