League of Legends: champions and playstyles

April 9, 2023
League of Legends: champions and playstyles

League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular multiplayer online games in the world. The game has many characters, called champions, each with unique abilities, playstyles, and roles within the team.

At first glance, it might seem that choosing a League of Legends champion is simply a matter of personal preference. But in fact, choosing the right character can determine the outcome of the game. In this article, we’ll look at how to pick a champion based on your play style and role on the team.

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Before we move on to choosing a champion in League of Legends, let’s decide on the roles in the team. There are five main roles in LoL: top laner (top), jungler (jungle), middle laner (mid), attacking (Attack Damage carry) and support (support). Each role has its own characteristics and requires a specific set of skills.

League of Legends Champions

Before we move on to choosing a champion, let’s decide on the roles in the team. There are five main roles in LoL: top laner (top), jungler (jungle), middle laner (mid), attacking (Attack Damage carry) and support (support). Each role has its own characteristics and requires a specific set of skills.

League of Legends

Top liner (top)

The top laner is the player whose job it is to control the top lane of the map and keep the opponent under control. He must be able to withstand the attacks of the enemy with endurance and have good skills with his champion. Some of the best top lane champions are Mordekaiser, Darius, Garen, Jiro and Tristana.

Jungler (jungle)

A jungler in League of Legends is a player who moves through the forest, killing monsters and helping his allies in battles. This role requires good knowledge of the map and the ability to make quick decisions. Some of the best jungle champions are Nocturne, Lee Sin, Kha’Zix, Rek’Sai and Elise.

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Mid liner (mid)

Middle laner – A player who controls the center lane of the map and helps his team gain an advantage in the game. He must have good control of his champion and the ability to react quickly to changes in the game. Some of the best mid laners are Zed, Ahri, Lux, LeBlanc and Yasuo.

Attacking (AD carry)

An attacker is a League of Legends player whose task is to deal damage to enemies from afar. He must be able to use his offensive abilities effectively and react quickly to changes in the game. Some of the best attacking champions are Ashe, Vayne, Kai’Sa, Jinx and Miss Fortune.


A support is a League of Legends player who helps his team with the forces necessary to win the game. He must be able to control the battlefield and provide his allies with the necessary resources. Some of the best champions to support are Taric, Soraka, Nami, Lulu and Braum.

Now that we’ve covered team roles, let’s take a look at how to pick a champion based on your play style.

League of Legends Playstyles

There are three main playstyles in LoL: aggressive, defensive, and balanced.

League of Legends

Aggressive play style

If you prefer an aggressive play style, then champions that can deal high damage and quickly kill opponents will suit you. Some of the best champions to play aggressively are Rengar, Zac, Riven, Lee Sin and Darius.

League of Legends defensive play style

When playing defensively, prioritize champions that have the endurance to counter enemy attacks and protect their team. Some of the best champions for this play style are Maokai, Malzahar, Syndra, Nasus and Tryndamere.

Balanced play style

Prefer a balanced play style? So you need characters that can effectively fulfill different roles in the game depending on the situation – Yasuo (Yasuo), Jhin (Jhin), Orianna (Orianna), Lucian (Lucian) and Ezreal (Ezreal).

In addition, when choosing a character in League of Legends, you need to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each champion, as well as the ratio between your champion and the opponent’s heroes. For example, if the opponent has chosen a champion that is a strong opponent for your character, you should choose someone else or change your play style to counter the opponent effectively.

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So how do you choose a champion in League of Legends? First determine your role in the team and choose the character that best suits your role. Then choose a champion that suits your play style and can counter your opponent effectively. Don’t forget to also take into account the strengths and weaknesses of each champion in order to choose the most effective character in a given situation.

Finally, remember that it’s important not only to choose the right champion, but also to learn how to play it effectively. Hone your skills and interact with your team to develop and become a true professional in League of Legends.

Game official website https://www.leagueoflegends.com