Drama Slayer : Kdrama para iOS

Drama Slayer : Kdrama para iOS

Petros Fortounis
5,0 (1)


Are you a Kdrama aka Korean Drama movies fan? you are in the right place, DramaSlayer is your new friend.

Discover and browse well-made lists of the best Korean drama movies, and get to know more information about your favorite movie.

Add the movies you love to your favorites list, and the ones you want to watch later on your watchlist.

Plan your tonight or weekend movie party using our Movie Planner feature.

With one small tap, you can find the nearest theaters to your location, easily through our Theater Nearby feature.

Drama Slayer is just starting out, more meaningful features are coming up and will be released in the near future, stay tuned!

Thank you for choosing DramaSlayer.

Você pode download Drama Slayer : Kdrama grátis para iOS em nosso site. Anderbot.com - milhares de jogos e apps populares. Download Drama Slayer : Kdrama grátis para iOS a versão mais recente para seu telefone ou tablet e use-o com prazer.

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